I want to remember the rhythm of the days on the tour, so this note is mostly for me.
5:15 - 5:30 AM Awaken without an alarm. Hearing zippers open others' tents will do the job.
Dress in bike gear and apply sun screen.
Pack up tent and contents.
Place camping gear on gear truck and pick up dishes for breakfast.
Eat breakfast standing up or on a curb if available because chairs already packed.
Wash dishes.
Pack lunch, fill water bottle and camel back, fill bike tires, place map for the day in
map holder.
6:30 - 7 AM Meet friends and leave camp ground.
Afternoon arrival in campground: Find camping gear and set up tent. I needed to find a spot near where
Phil could park his van to be able to use a power cord for his c-pap machine.
Clean and lube the bike if there was rain during the day.
Shower - usually need to wait in line.
Most people blog during the afternoon, but Phil was gone with the computer and pad.
Take a nap, or read and have devotions if able to stay awake.
6:00 PM Phil returns from marking the roads between 5 and 6:30.
Gather dishes and chair and go to dinner. Such a delight not to have to cook for 3 weeks!
Wash dishes and return to the gear truck.
Use computer to blog if possible. Phil usually used this time to finalize and print the next
day's maps.
7:30 PM Peloton meeting followed by small groups.
8:30 PM Blog and read e-mail if still have the energy.
9:00 PM Prepare for bed and organize things for the next day.
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